using PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics;
using PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.Backends.EventSource;
using PostSharp.Samples.Logging.BusinessLogic;
// Add logging to all methods of this project.
[assembly: Log]
namespace PostSharp.Samples.Logging.Etw
  [Log(AttributeExclude = true)]   // Removes logging from the Program class itself.
  internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
      var eventSourceBackend = new EventSourceLoggingBackend(new PostSharpEventSource());
      if (eventSourceBackend.EventSource.ConstructionException != null)
        throw eventSourceBackend.EventSource.ConstructionException;
      LoggingServices.DefaultBackend = eventSourceBackend;
      // Simulate some business logic.
      // To collect and view the log:
      //   1. Download PerfView from
      //   2. Execute: perfview.exe collect -OnlyProviders:*PostSharp-Patterns-Diagnostics
      //   3. Execute this program.
      //   4. In PerfView, click 'Stop collecting', then in the PerfView tree view click '' and finally 'Events'.